Oxford Driving – Kassam Stadium RAs
Same routine as mini-roundabouts; 3-exit for Kassam Stadium RAs;
- always use the left lane, except the 2nd one from the West—use middle lane;
- when leaving the roundabout, check left mirror, signal left.
- Do not indicate when you join, always signal left when leaving.
- Indicate right when eatering from Cowley RA, Grenoble RA East 1, b/c it’s the 2nd exit and on the right.
If your exit is the 1st exit which is at or past 12 o’clock, do not indicate when joining, indicate when leaving.
- From East to West, from Cowley RA Garsington Rd towards A4074 and Heyford RA: take the 1st exit (except the 1st RA, which need to take 2nd exit), no indicating except for the first roundabout.
Always take the left lane, follow the sign to Reading.
- Grenoble RA East 1: 1st roundabout coming from Cowley RA, indicating right, 2nd exit, follow the sign to Reading.
Other RAs
- always take 1st exit;
- Take left lane; do not indicate when joining (1st exit is past 12 o’clock), indicate when leaving;
Grenoble Rd 2: take the 1st exit; the first open you meet is only a farm entrance, not an exit!
- Take the left lane, no signal when entering, signal left when leaving.
- Take the left lane, no signal when entering, signal left when leaving.
The penultimate roundabout
1st exit is on the left side, do need to indicate left when joining b/c the 1st exit is indeed on the left, unlike other RAs whose 1st exit is on the right.
The last exit before going back to Oxford city center, joining A4074 afterwards.
Must move to the Right lane; signal right; move to the right lane with road marking “OXFORD”. When you are on the right lane, just follow it through to OXF, NO need to indicate left.
Sometimes you are told to pull over before the roundabout. Better to go forward a bit, aiming for 1/3 of the parking distance before it ends.
It is a dual carriageway with central barrier. After you pull over, you need to get to the right lane if it is safe to do so.
After this roundabout, you go to A4074; and you will reach Heyford Hill roundabout;
Heyford Hill roundabout;
From A4074 to A4141, 2nd exit, turning right, middle lane.
From West to East, A4074 Heyford RA: 2nd exit, no indicating when joining, indicating after passing the 1st exit. 1st exit usually leads to parking lots. From west to east follows the sign to Cowley. This is harder b/c the first few RAs are quite close, but the distance between RAs gets longer when you go east.
Left Lane; do not indicate when joining the RA; indicate left after you have past the 1st exit.
If you see a car on your left, they are most likely going straight unless they are taking a U-turn or taking the 2nd exit; in either case, they’d indicate right; if you don’t see a signal, assume they are going straight to your direction, which won’t affect you. Meaning you carry on.
Grenoble RA W1
Grenoble RA West2, 2nd exit to Cowley, turning right.
- left lane goes to Oxford Science Park, take the middle lane; always have a look at your right mirror for cars on your right;
- Use the charcoal shading to guide your position.
Common Grenoble RAs: This is how most Kassam Stadium roundabouts look like.
From East to West, from Garsington—the 1st exit is a bit to the right, take the left lane: do not signal when enter, signal left when leave; hug the curb;
From West to East, from A4074—take the 2nd exit, left lane; 1st exit leads to residentail areas, business parks, parking lots;