Oxford Driving – Littlemore Roundabout
RA Overview
BRM Driving School Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg
No traffic control when you join;
- have to give way cars on the right;
- wait for a safe gap;
- if there is a queue on the roundabout, you can’t join, or you will block the exit; just stay back when there is a queue;
- traffic lights only apply to cars on the roundabout;
lanes do not guide you to your exit, you have to exit to the outer lane by yourself; use your own judgement;
When there are separation lines, follow the lines; when there are gaps, you change lanes to exit gradually as you approach to your exit;
On the roundabout, you must pay attention to your right lane. Many people want to merge to the left lane. If you didn’t see them, it’s easy to crash.
When you are changing lanes or exiting, you have to pay attention to cars behind on your left;
Two options middle or right, always choose the middle lane, because you have one lane fewer to change when you exit;
Assuming you are on the left lane before an exit that you didn’t plan to take
- you just take it; it’s safer to do so because cars on the right might leaving and if you stay on the roundabout, it’s easy to lead to an accident;
How to avoid riding on two lanes when there are no road markings?
1. From A4142 Cowley
From A4142 Eastern By-Pass Cowley to Iffley/ Rose Hill, 3rd exit, turing right
Lane choosing:
Left lane: to Oxford Rd (turning left) and Ring Rd (straight ahead)
Middle lane: to Ring Rd only (straight ahead)
Right lane: Iffley only
Procedure on the roundabout
Down from Cowley RA, you need to drive for a while. You first see a bridge, then you see slip road for joining from Sandy Lane (lots of cars will join from here, so you want to move to the right lane early. This helps other people to join the dual carriageway and help you to approach the roundabout), then you see a sign as follows (this is your cue to move to the right lane), then you see Roundabout signs.
Two Roundabout signs. When you see the 1st sign, indicate right, move to the right lane. Keep you speed up untill you see 30m/h sign. After the 2nd sign, you see speed limit of 30m/h; slow down to comply with speed limit;
- The 30m/h speed limit sign is right before the lane split, which is very close to the RA. Have to keep up the speed before that.
Entering: indicating right and use the right lane marked “IL’EY”;
On the roundabout: use the right lane until the 2nd exit;
After 1st exit and when approaching the 2nd exit, use mirror-signal maneuver routine, signal left, move to a proper lane (usually before the traffic light waiting line), be prepared to exit;
note that signal to change lane is necessary;
move one lane to the left when you are turning right to Newman Rd;
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 3:18
- If you intend to go straight but mistakenly end up with the right turn, you can stop in the box, indicate left, and wait for a safe gap to join the left lane to go straight;
move two lanes to the left when you are continuing straight;
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 5:20
only change lane when it’s safe; otherwise go around the roundabout again;
From A4142 Eastern By-Pass to Ring Road towards The Midlands/ Swindon/ Newbury, 2nd exit, straight ahead
The exit also leads to Sanford, Abington, Reading, etc.
- Entering: left (or middle lane)
- recommend using the left lane: have to be careful because there are no road markings when you enter, note that it’s easy to drift to the middle lane if you come in too quickly; you have to keep it all the way to the left!
- exit onto the left lane on the Ring Rd;
- if using the middle lane, you exit onto the right lane if you don’t change lanes on the roundabout;
- recommend using the left lane: have to be careful because there are no road markings when you enter, note that it’s easy to drift to the middle lane if you come in too quickly; you have to keep it all the way to the left!
2. From A4142 Heyford
From A4142 Heyford to Ring Road towards London, 2nd exit, straight ahead
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 8:30
- Recommend using middle lane (easier option)
- Entering: middle lane (left lane is left only! don’t go there);
- note that when you first enter, there is no road marking; use different shade of tarmac as your road marking;
- On the roundabout, follow you lane and after pass the 1st exit, go to the left lane to exit onto the left lane on the Ring Road;
- If you somehow on the left lane at the 1st exit, just turn left;
- it’s safer to follow through, because people on your right might be leaving and if you force to drive on on the roundabout, you might cause a serious accident;
- Use right lane ( [✘] NOT recommended, sometimes you have got traffic preventing you from going to the middle lane)
- Entering: right lane;
- On the roundabout, follow your lane;
- After passing the 1st exit, move to the middle lane and exit onto the right lane on the Ring Road;
From A4142 Heyford to London Rd/ Littlemore, 3rd exit, turning right
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 12:00
- Entering: right lane
- On the roundabout: right lane
- After passing the 2nd exit, have to move to the left lane, but the difficult part is you don’t have much time or distance to do that b/c the 2nd and 3rd exits are so close;
- have to be very careful for cars behind on your left;
- might need to slowly change to the middle lane when approaching the 2nd exit, so you have enought distance and time to move to the left lane when you approach the 3rd exit;
3. From Oxford Road/ Littlemore
From Oxford Rd to A4142 Eastern By-Pass Cowley/ London, 3rd exit, turning right
most common one on the driving test
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 22:35
- Entering: right lane;
- On the roundabout: middle lane; middle lane can go either straight ahead or turning right.
- After passing the 2nd exit, use mirror-signal maneuver routine, move to the left lane, be prepared to exit;
- 注意第一个出口很近;第二个出口要走接近半圈儿;第三个出口离第二个出口很近;
From Oxford Rd to Rose Hill, 2nd exit, straight ahead
- Entering: left lane
- On the roundabout: left lane
4. From Rose Hill (Iffley)
Before joinging the roundabout:
- The traffic light doesn’t apply to you, but does affect your timing when to join.
- If the traffic light is red, one car can wait at the waiting line; if you are the 2nd car, you wait until it turns green; otherwise if you go forward, you will block the exit to A4142;
- when the traffic light is green, have to give way to cars on your right, wait for a safe gap before joining;
Lane choosing:
- left lane is left only;
- right-middle lane: straight or turning right;
- right-right lane: turn right;
From Rose Hill to Oxford Rd/ Littlemore, 2nd exit, straight ahead
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 13:30
- Entering: right-middle lane; you see first two lanes, left lane with a left arrow, right lane with straight arrow; if you are going straight, you have to choose the right lane from the beginning and go to the middle lane afterwards;
- after passing the 1st exit, move to the left lane; be prepared to exit;
From Rose Hill to A4142 towards The Midlands/ Swindon/ Newbury; 3rd exit; turing right
BRM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MFSU-rGRg&t=1406s 15:30
- Entering: middle or the right lane; middle is easier;
- Cars on the roundabout are coming from Ring Road, they might use a high speed coming in; be careful;
- On the roundabout: follow your lane
- if you start from the middle lane, exit onto the left lane;
- if you start from the right lane; exit onto the right lane; when it’s safe, move over to the left lane;