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def print_hi(name)
puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.
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- 做一些被动接受的事情。比如听课程。主动输出,如写论文,比较困难。从轻松愉快的事情开始。听很简单,听一些相关的内容。
- 在一个工作环境。听工作专用古典音乐,给大脑一个提示,一个氛围。
- 坐直,眼睛向上看。
- 小苏打效果有,但是耗时长,效果不是特别好。用热水效果比较好。不可与醋同时使用。
- 醋
$Na_2CO_3$: sodium carbonate. It is mainly used in industry production for making glass, cleansers and detergents.
- 苏打,碱面。吸水性强,容易结成硬块。高温下分解,易溶于水,水溶液呈碱性。
- 在日常生活中,我们可以在厨房见到碳酸钠的身影,一般用来洗涤油污 (detergent for dirt and grease),
- 苏打还可用于产生气体从而增加面食松软度,常在制作包子、馒头的时候添加。
- 碳酸钠的碱性更强,碳酸氢钠只是弱碱性。两种物质均可以用于洗涤油污,碳酸钠效用更强一些。
- 比例: Mix 3-5 tablespoons in 10 liters of water to make a basic detergent for bottles, for example. Rinse thoroughly with clean water afterwards.
$NaHCO_3$: sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, or sodium hydrogen carbonate, is also used as an odour neutraliser, cleaning or exfoliating agent, and sometimes as a temporary fire extinguisher. It is mainly used for household purposes, especially cooking and cleaning. 小苏打或泡打粉。在潮湿空气或热空气中即缓慢分解,产生二氧化碳。
- 加热易分解,当加热至270℃完全分解,分解产物为碳酸钠和水、二氧化碳。
- 在食品加工中,它是一种应用最广泛的疏松剂,用于生产饼干、面包等,是汽水饮料中二氧化碳的发生剂;可与明矾复合为碱性发酵粉。
- 小苏打粉应用于家庭清洁,可以去污、除臭。因油腻、污渍或难闻气味,大多属于酸性物质($H^+$,如脂肪酸),当弱碱性的氢氧根$OH^{-}$ 与酸性物质相遇,便会产生中和作用。
Soda Crystals: cleaning product, Hydrated Sodium Carbonate, $NaHCO_3$, soluble natural laundry and cleaning product.
- Dissolve soda crystals in enough hot water – one cup per pint (500ml) of water – to immerse the pan.
- Soak for 30 minutes to dissolve grease and burnt-on food. Wipe stainless steel pans vigorously with a scourer. On non-stick and copper surfaces use a sponge or dishcloth.
结晶蜂蜜: 葡萄糖多,葡萄糖溶解性低。
不结晶蜂蜜: 果糖多,果糖溶解性高。
bulb: E14 SES 40W, 470lm LED warm white
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Pay later in 30 days
Klarna’s ‘Pay in 30 days’ allows you to receive your order up front and get up to 30 days to pay without any interest and fees. In our app you’ll have the option to pay off the balance earlier or extend the due date to a later date for a fee if needed.
If your order is eligible for ‘Pay in 30 days’, the option will be presented at the time of checkout. As soon as the store ships your order, you will receive an email from Klarna outlining your payments. Your purchase and payments will then be visible and manageable in your Klarna App.
There is no fee to use ‘Pay in 30 days’!
Pay in 4
Split into 4 installments, interest-free, pay automatically every 2 weeks.
Make a return
If you need to return part or all of your order, follow the store’s return instructions. Then log into your Klarna account, select “report a return”, and we will pause your statement.
Q: I can’t see my credit balance or my credit resets to zero.
A: It could be frozen due to inactivity for 180 days.
How do I reactivate Skype Credit?
- Sign in to your account .
- Select Reactivate Credit .