National Registry (Min Folkeregisterside)
The registry forms the basis for the tax register, the electoral register and population statistics.
The National Registry contains information concerning the following, among other things:
- births, names, paternity and parental responsibility
- changes of address
- changes in marital status
- deaths
- name changes
- citizenship
Who uses information from the National Registry?
- The tax authorities
- The election authoritieso
- other public authorities such as the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), the Directorate of Immigration (UDI), the Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board (UNE), the Norwegian Armed Forces, the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the police, fire and ambulance services
- Statistics Norway (SSB)
- banks and insurance companies
- employers
- researchers
- private organisations and individuals
When you change address, must inform Folkeregister.
Her melder du flytting, at du gifter deg eller dødsfall, endrer navn og bestiller attester.
Here you report moving, getting married or death, changing your name and ordering certificates.
区别 Bostedsadresse 和 Postadresse
- Bostedsadresse 住址 (写私人住址)
- Postadresse 邮寄地址 (写学校)
Helse Norge
Fastleggen min
Place: INNSTRANDA LEGESENTER AS (Innstranda medical center, upper floor of Extra Mørkved); Mørkvedsentret 17, 8028 BODØ
Doctor: John Espen Rohde
For akutt helsehjelp, ring 113. 急救,严重,危及生命救护车
Hvis det haster, ring legekontoret eller legevakt på 116 117 or å komme i kontakt med legevaktsentralen i området der du oppholder deg. 不着急,可以等;当地医疗诊室
Tax card
Tax deduction
You’re entitled to deductions for your share of the expenses in the housing association/housing company/jointly owned property. Your share of the expenses should be included in the annual statement. The deduction is usually pre-filled in your tax return.
Felleskostnader av borrettslag, kan jeg få fradrag for dette.
If you have expenses in connection with your shares in housing cooperatives and/or jointly owned property, you can get a deduction for this.
Det er først og fremst sameiers/andelshavers andel av sameiets/boligselskapets rentekostnader som skal fradragsføres.
It is primarily the co-owner’s share of interest costs incurred by the joint property ownership/housing co-operative which is to be entered as a deduction in the tax return.
Q: How to enter this in my tax return?
A: The item will normally be pre-completed with the amount for your share of the expenses of the housing cooperative/jointly owned property. The amount(s) will be based on what has been reported by the housing cooperative/jointly owned property, so you should check that everything is correct.
The amounts you should perform the check against will be shown in the annual statement you receive from the housing cooperative/jointly owned property in January. If the amount shown is wrong, you must change it in the tax return. You should contact the housing cooperative/jointly owned property to ensure that the annual statement is correct.
What are common deduction terms?
Tax deduction cards: applies to this year. Skattens calculation of your income and deductions in the coming year and how much tax you will have to pay.
Tax return: applies to last year, submit in April. Your summary of income, deductions, wealth, debt and what you have paid in tax during the past year. I have to check that all the info is correct.
Tax asessment: The result after both me and Skatteetaten have checked that the information is correct. If you have paid too much tax, you will be refunded - if you have paid too little, you will have to pay underpaid tax. Skatteetaten will let you know by e-mail or SMS when your tax assessment is ready.