Steps overview to set up FactSet:

  1. Accept the invitation from FactSet. invitation
  2. Whitelist your IP address in the FactSet Control Center. Whitelist IP
  3. Install Microsoft ODBC SQL driver.
  4. Install Azure Data Studio to connect to the SQL database.
    1. Alternatively, could use Python Programmatic Access. Need to install pyodbc to manage the connection.

Install Microsoft ODBC

Installation of MS-SQL driver.

  1. To install Microsoft ODBC driver 17 for SQL Server on macOS, run the following commands:
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 
    brew tap microsoft/mssql-release 
    brew update 
    brew install msodbcsql17 mssql-tools

    You may encounter “Error: Your Command Line Tools are too outdated.”, just follow the instruction showed on the screen and update your command line tools.

  2. Resource file loading
    The driver needs to load the resource file in order to function. This file is called msodbcsqlr17.rll. The default resource file path on macOS is /usr/local/share/msodbcsql17/resources/en_US/.

  3. Troubleshooting
    Some users encounter an issue when trying to connect after installing the ODBC driver and receive an error like: "[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' : file not found (0) (SQLDriverConnect)". It may be the case that unixODBC is not configured correctly to find registered drivers. In these cases, creating a couple symbolic links can resolve the issue.

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini /etc/odbcinst.ini
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini /etc/odbc.ini

For ODBC 18 (latest version in 2024):

Components Description
libmsodbcsql.18.dylib or libmsodbcsql.17.dylib The dynamic library (dylib) file that contains all of the driver’s functionality. This file is installed in /usr/local/lib/.
msodbcsqlr18.rllor msodbcsqlr17.rll The accompanying resource file for the driver library. This file is installed in [driver .dylib directory]../share/msodbcsql18/resources/en_US/ for Driver 18, [driver .dylib directory]../share/msodbcsql17/resources/en_US/ for Driver 17.

Connect Using Azure Data Studio

Azure Data Studio homepage:

Server info

  • Server name:
  • Authentication type: Microsoft Extra ID - Universal with MFA support
  • Account:
  • Database name: fds


SQL Credentials

  • Username:
  • Application Id: 175bb48c-3918-4882-864d-e0005a3fb1b9
  • Application Secret: s*adq9nuPyIlO6?6
  • Tenant Id: 19c2ed02-03ce-49b9-ab35-7e07b729dc04

The connection window looks like this:

Azure Connection

Q: What are differencec between .sql and .ipynb?

A: .sql can run one single query. Notebooks (.ipynb) can put multiple queries together.

Azure Jupyter Notebook shortcuts

Command Keybinding
Run Current Cell F5
Add Code Cell end of file ctrl + shift + C
Add Text Cell end of file ctrl + shift + T

Q: How to export more than 5000 rows in Azure Data Studio?

A: Change Notebook settings, Max Table Rows (defaults to 5,000) to a large number. (Source)

Azure Data Studio set 5,000 initially because performance on a notebook with many cells and many outputs (such as tables) can cause performance degradation when a notebook gets fairly large (say, 50MB+).

After setting a large max rows, the whole table can be displayed. Then click Save As CSV to save to local, which might take a long time to write, even taking a longer time than executing the query.

ADS max rows

Python Connection

SQL Query Examples

SELECT TOP 100 * from fp_v2.fp_basic_dividends;
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM fp_v2.fp_basic_shares_current;
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM fp_v2.fp_basic_splits;
SELECT TOP 100 * from fp_v2.fp_sec_coverage;
SELECT top 10 * from fp_v2.fp_sec_entity;
SELECT top 10 * from tv_v2.tv_esg_ranks;
SELECT top 10 * from fp_v2.fp_basic_prices;

Download Sample Python Codes Here


Connection error - multiple matching tokens detected

Error message

Failed to authenticate the user in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive). Error code 0xmultiple_matching_tokens_detected The cache contains multiple tokens satisfying the requirements. Try to clear token cache.

Fix: Clear the Azure Token Cache using the command in the Command Palette. Specifically.

  1. Click F1
  2. type something like clear
  3. Run the Clear Azure Token Cache entry.

Azure clear cache

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