Sparebank forsikring
Husforsikring og innboforsikring 你去问问你可能已经有husforsikring 因为你有fellesgjeld
What benefit can I obtain if I am a trade union member? LO organisasjon, such as Forsker Forbundet.
100 kr/md.
Homebuyer’s insurance
Get help if you discover errors after taking over. Five years access to lawyer consultant after taking over.
因为你买的是二手房,不是说所有的东西坏了都可以让卖家陪你。其实你买房之前一定要看好,他们默认你买房的时候就同意了这个房子现在的情况。你愿意购买。所以很多情况下就算你找律师打官司,也打不赢。 除非,比如他那个房子大修过,比如说电路改过,但不是专业的电工来做的。但他没有在卖房的时候告知你。就类似于这样的情况你才能够赢。
Livsforsikring og personforsikring
Life insurance and Personal insurance
Hva er forskjellen på personforsikring og livsforsikring?
Personal insurance is a category for several insurances, while life insurance is a separate insurance that otherwise falls under the category personal insurances.
Critical illness (Kritisk sykdom)
NOK 750,000 - 170 kr/md
NOK 600,000 - 140 kr/md
Treatment Insurance (Behandlingsforsikring )
180 kr/md ensures you fast treatment
Accident Insurance (Ulykkesforsikring)
2,300,000 - 152 kr/md
1,500,000 - 100 kr/md
135 kr/md Insure yourself and your belongings when traveling and for everyday life.
Disability pension
Monthly payment for at least 50% incapacity for work.
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to cancel an insurance policy you have purchased over the phone or the internet. If you wish to cancel, you must notify us within the deadline; for personal insurances within 30 days after you have received the insurance documents, for other insurances 14 days.